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What Does Cueio Do?

A lot of people still don't know this web series but it is actually named Cueio, the name of the protagonist is Cueio.  Cueio is rabbit character with all the features of a rabbit and has red eyes. The web series is about a hero rabbit that transforms into humanoid form when fighting the bad guys. When in humanoid form, the warrior rabbit will lose his cute tail but will gain muscles that will help him defeat the enemy.  At first glance you see that Cueio will look tamed and innocent and the type that don't know how to fight but after the transformation he will be ready to fight anyone.  This series will be able to show you the side of Cueio that you have never seen.  In the web series, Cueio will show you what he likes eating, that will be porridge and cowbells in both rabbit and warrior form.  Even if Cueio will feel that he can't control his power, he will still try his best to help out his friends. 

In Cueio Coelho Coeiu, the main character still is very good with other characters, he will allow different characters to be appreciated as well. The rabbit is really good in having fun with other characters even if he is already in the spotlight.  Cueio will sometimes lose and fail to get what he wants but it does not matter.  Cueio is also very interested about the environment and what happens with nature and still be able to have fun with the cowbells.  The rabbit also had a episode about him wearing a sock from his cousin that was in a holiday theme.  The story is really good when the main character will go out of his comfort zone just to help save his friends even if he is having troubles with his humanoid form and in controlling it. 

If the rabbit transforms to humanoid form, he will get so many skills that he can only show when in that form.  Skills like being able to do some crazy one leg to do some nasty push ups and beat his enemies with all of his might in one hit.  The skill with one punch was seen in one episode when he was up against the enemy named Crocodilo.  These skills are really amazing and can be done with such quickness using his strong legs and arms. Those skills are all for his opponents only, he does not use it against friends.

A good role model is Cueio Coelho Coeiu for being so good.

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